we have seen quite a few neighbors come together in support of this proposal. and but i would note we did have we had two people who objected to the proposal, not from the immediate group of neighbors, but from other blocks in the area. as we always do, we based our decision on the condition of the trees. and you know, our evaluation of the trees led us to grant the removal of one tree at the departmental hearing. so this evening, we are considering the removal of eight trees. there is some some sidewalk damage in a number of cases. the sidewalks have been previously repaired by the city. but we are again proposing that we think the basins could be expanded. this would be at the cost to the department. and the sidewalks be repaired to mitigate the sidewalk conditions. and these trees are healthy, mature trees. once again, our decision is based on whether or not we can preserve the trees and whether or not they have structural concerns that would potentially impact public
data base. we have done one tree more than one time. thank you. commissioner fung: on the 700 block, does the city maintain those trees? i believe the property owners have been maintaining them in that topiary fashion. commissioner fung: one of the photos, it shows a very small tree that looks like it has been planted fairly recently. was that done by the city? it is a flowering cherry tree and planted as a 24-inch box. ms. short, it was mentioned by one of the appellants there was a trip-and-fall case that perhaps your department was not aware of. would that have any relevance with respect to the decision on removing trees? no. i think the decision to remove the tree is based on the condition of the tree. that didn t involve a tree but an empty tree basin. thank you. mr. bartlett, you have three minutes of rebuttal. i m new to this process. i turn it over to brian and let him speak about the trees that are there and in our plan. i have a letter from superviso
commissioner hwang: i have a question. the first when you pointed out, with the car in front of it, and this has nothing to do with the branches. we always look to the structure of the tree to see if it is sound. we do not want to leave a tree that is prone to failure. in this case, this one had been topped, and this is very detrimental to the health and structure of the tree. it does say that they are in need of corrective pruning. we thought that was enough to work with to create the structure. commissioner garcia: do we know if they have been cited for side what damage? they have. this is probably the best. this is, again, the red flowering guym species gum species. then we have these others. vice president goh: duties madge the species there? no, there are others do these match the species? no, there are others. commissioner hwang: the fact that there are similar trees, is this part of the consideration? no, it is sometimes considered when a replacement