Global and China Automotive Display Industry Report 2020: 10-Billion-Yuan Automotive Display Market Is Thriving - s offering.
10-Billion-Yuan Automotive Display Market Is Thriving
In this report, those are analyzed and studied such as the market size, installation rate, display technology, development trends and suppliers of automotive displays (incl. cluster display, center console display, etc.).
The Center Console Display Shipments Rank First, and the Installation Rates of Rearview Mirror Displays, Rear Seat Entertainment Displays and Vehicle Control Displays Continue to Grow.
Being bound up with automobile sales, automotive display shipments worldwide edged down 1.5% year-on-year to approximately 159 million units in 2019 when auto sales continued a bearish trend. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic drags down global automobile sales (a like-for-like slump of 25.5% in H1 2020, and may recover a bit in H2 2020), with a projected year-o