Thailand LAB INTERNATIONAL, Bio Asia Pacific and FutureCHEM INTERNATIONAL under one roof VNU Asia Pacific, together with the Science and Technology Trade Association (STTA) and the Thailand Center of Excellence for Life Sciences (Public Organisation) or TCELS, is organising Thailand LAB INTERNATIONAL 2022 - the 12th International Trade Exhibition and Conference on Analytical Laboratory & Technology, Biotechnology & Life Sciences, Chemical & Safety, as well as the 3rd Bio Asia Pacific, the New Leading Conference and Exhibition Platform for Biotechnology, Life Sciences and Smart Health in the Asia Pacific Region, and the 1st FutureCHEM INTERNATIONAL, the new conference and exhibition platform focusing on innovative solutions for the chemical industry. Click to read more.
VNU Asia Pacific together with Thailand Center of Excellence for Life Sciences (TCELS) and Science and Technology Trade Association (STTA) are confident to organize Thailand LAB INTERNATIONAL, Bio Asia Pacific and FutureCHEM INTERNATIONAL as full physical events during 14-16 September 2022 at Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC). Click to read more.