extraordinary and before we talk about conflict, what are they doing, should they do it, actually standing here, watching it, hearing the noise, feeling it, it was extraordinary. it was this moment like you felt like you were a little kid watching it on tv, saying i cannot believe this is happening. it s a kind of thing that makes kids want to devote themselves to studying science and math. my kids called me right after. it was amazing to be here, but i also thought about their families, right, their friends who were here. yesterday i spoke before my interview to mark bezos, spoke to his wife. we ve been planning for it and working on this. when you see that rocket go up, when you see it go out of sight, suddenly you have that moment of absolute panic, and then when you saw it come down, it was just, you know, we re at a time in this country we re so quick to fight, so quick to criticize each other. right there, you just saw absolute awesomeness, and that is science, nation, technology