Was a uniform methodology used for all 26 member agencies run through my office and able to pull together and culminate in a single number and what it shows is that the projected 2035 total normal year water demand for the customers after passive conservation is roughly 20 less than it was from the 2008 numbers. Specifically 2008 we projected a total demand after passive conservation as listed and now projecting 275 so what changed . I have to say when the numbers came across my desk what in the world happened here but we knew there would be differences. A couple of key things. Projected retail water rates. While we knew the rates were going to increase when we did the projections that rolled up to 2008 they were directly incorporated into the projections we have better capability of doing that and theyre higher than at that time and population and job growth has been slowed. Those projections from abag from 2008 have been reduced at this point through the 2013 projections and pushed o
People in the community and one of the things i am concerned about when we mix the groundwater with the hetch hetchy water who will be the five that receive that water and those that receive it how we will protect them . Because we talk about pipes leaking and they all leak but what is leaking in . We know its tested at the point of distribution and not at the point of use. What are we getting in the water and especially the old pipes in San Francisco. Are we getting copper, lead . Who knows and we will know when consumers test at home and we can protect them and there is technology that will improve the safety but reduce the costs so we dont have to rate increases and conserve the water and recharge the groundwater with the water supply so think about those things reduce, recycle and recharge. There is technology here today. Any more speakers . Before we move on anything we can do about the air conditioning in this room . Is there a control . I can call. Okay. Thank you very much. Oka
At the table, and they need to work together. That is what a memorandum of understanding is. Is. We believe that they should be mandatory. We are developing them with all of the institutions. It has really been a giveandtake. We have been at the table with all of those folks. That is what needs to happen and how we build an ideal system of response. It is not a dual approach. The internal process and the lawenforcement piece. Victims should be deciding how that entire process goes forward and should pass her or his eyes open the entire time. You spent many years in this area. Violence and domestic Sexual Assault. That is a a crime that has really come out of the shadows. It is now treated much more seriously. Does that provide any models severe domestic violence. I think the lessons are, address, address this. We need to really listen to victims, listen to what they are saying. We need to train our personal, anyone who is interacting with the victim in trauma informed forensic intervie
Things. Projected retail water rates. While we knew the rates were going to increase when we did the projections that rolled up to 2008 they were directly incorporated into the projections we have better capability of doing that and theyre higher than at that time and population and job growth has been slowed. Those projections from abag from 2008 have been reduced at this point through the 2013 projections and pushed off a little bit so were seeing Slower Growth and stricter plumbing code standards, state requirements, things like the state wide reductions by 20 by 2020, those hinges that were not in place in 2008 have also impacted the demand, so the net result is the projected total 2040 water demands after the savings are estimated to be 284 milliongallons a day in the service area so lets look at that graphically, visibly. What does the number mean . This shows on the left the vertical a i guess is a million axis of a million gallons a day and this is from the earliest records pro
Numbers. Specifically 2008 we projected a total demand after passive conservation as listed and now projecting 275 so what changed . I have to say when the numbers came across my desk what in the world happened here but we knew there would be differences. A couple of key things. Projected retail water rates. While we knew the rates were going to increase when we did the projections that rolled up to 2008 they were directly incorporated into the projections we have better capability of doing that and theyre higher than at that time and population and job growth has been slowed. Those projections from abag from 2008 have been reduced at this point through the 2013 projections and pushed off a little bit so were seeing Slower Growth and stricter plumbing code standards, state requirements, things like the state wide reductions by 20 by 2020, those hinges that were not in place in 2008 have also impacted the demand, so the net result is the projected total 2040 water demands after the savi