Using artificial intelligence to analyse mammograms for signs of breast cancer, but with human oversight, can save many lives through early detection and diagnosis, says a radiologist testing the technology.
Photo: Radovanovic96/Getty Images
A new startup called Whiterabbit has emerged from stealth to announce its new CEO and the FDA clearance of its artificial intelligence-enabled breast cancer screening product.
The company has developed a line of products targeting the mammography space to enable early and accurate breast cancer detection, with the goal of eradicating late-stage breast cancers in the U.S. by 2025.
The WRDensity software received FDA 510(k) clearance last October. It uses AI to provide radiologists with data on the level of breast density, a risk factor of breast cancer.
Whiterabbit also has a tool that reminds patients to schedule breast cancer screening appointments, called ACT, and one that assigns patients a risk score to help providers devise a screening plan for more consistent follow-up recommendations, called WRRisk.