Jan 8, 2021
MSU Extension is offering the online program, “UP/Northern Michigan Virtual Pest and Crop Management Update 2021” on Jan. 15.
The online educational program for farmers will be offered from 9 a.m. to noon on Friday, Jan. 15.
This program is planned for farmers raising grain and forage crops in the Upper Peninsula and Northern Lower Michigan.
The program will include short talks from several crop experts from Michigan State University, including:
≤ Advancement of Northern Michigan Dry Beans: Scott Bales, MSU Dry Bean Specialist
≤ Small Grains: Oats, Barley, Triticale and Straw: Dennis Pennington, MSU Wheat System Specialist
≤ MAEAP (Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program): Holly Moss, MAEAP Technician Delta Co.
Jan 8, 2021
MARQUETTE An on-line educational program for farmers is offered on January 15, 9 a.m. – noon. This program is planned for farmers raising grain and forage crops in the Upper Peninsula and Northern lower Michigan. The program will include short talks from several crop experts from Michigan State University:
Advancement of Northern Michigan Dry Beans: Scott Bales, MSU Dry Bean Specialist
Small Grains: Oats, Barley, Triticale and Straw: Dennis Pennington, MSU Wheat System Specialist
MAEAP (MI Ag Environmental Assurance Program): Holly Moss, MAEAP Technician Delta Co.
Successful Corn Silage Production: Dr. Manni Singh, MSUE Agronomy Specialist
Mixing It Up in Your Hayfield: Dr. Kim Cassida, MSUE Forage and Cover Crop Specialist