Hiring bonuses: As our good pal Charles Mudede shared in his Tuesday Slog PM, the Seattle City Council came one step closer to putting a few grand on a fishing lure to maybe attract more cops. Councilmember Sara Nelson, who shows Sawant-levels of stubbornness on this issue, frames the signing bonuses as the solution to the ongoing “People are dying” crisis, even though city studies just straight up could not confirm if new cops will.
An engineer for Meta, Facebook’s parent company, with a self-reported total compensation – or TC, which includes salary, stock options and other benefits – of US$850,000 (RM3.57mil) took to the anonymous job forum Blind to complain about the perks, or lack thereof, that awaited their return to the office.
Could Greece Host Sillicon Valley’s Plans for Private Cities Free of Government Control?
” width=”640″>Tech Bros consider Greece for private city. Credit: Violeta Meleti Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International
Greece could become the location for a private city, catering to computer techies, free of government control according to the plans of Sillicon Valley Tech Bros Dryden Brown and Charlie Callinan.
The two entrepreneurs are looking at safe havens to build a privately owned city free of U.S. government control, for residents of like minds and values, according to the proposal they have posted on PitchBook Platform. They have targeted the Mediterranean for its beautiful beaches and incredible mountains.