grounded? here s the story, chris evert and i m sure she regrets that she invited steve and i down for your celebrity tennis classic and you almost killed me. yeah. i m your doubles partner. i mean, this is what happened less than six months ago to give us a reverse spin on the shot, it was match point. why don t you bring us the rest of the way. well, first of all, you receive an academy award for that performance. that was so dramatic. i mean, you were down. it was a last shot of the game. you guys were i hate to bring this up but you guys lost to us. you know what, though? you guys both are really good athletes. will you come back in november? i would love to come back if i recover. emotionally and physically, i have not recovered. i still have a discoloration in my shin which makes me afraid to walk the beaches. you know what? doubles, do you see that. teams sports, that s what u.s.a. is trying to get tennis more into a team sport situation. sure. it s not i