Dark comedy "Cocaine Bear," "Mrs. Davis" series premiere, "The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning," "Praise This," new episodes of "Bel-Air," "WrestleMania 39," and more TV and movies premiering on Peacock in April.
An ice skating organisation in Harlem that serves young women of colour in New York City has been finding ways to overcome the impact of the pandemic.
Last year, members of Figure Skating in Harlem (FSH) did not see the ice from late winter until autumn due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Once they returned, with strict coronavirus-prevention protocols, it was a major step towards normality.
“We had seven and eight-year-olds up to 18-year-olds, and I have to say when you are able to move physically it helps you mentally,” says Sharon Cohen, chief executive and founder of Figure Skating in Harlem.