So he came back. Now, you have to realize that al shepard was the ultimate politician. Very well respected, first flight he did, so he talked nasa into giving him talked them into giving him the very next flight, which was apollo 13. After he started working 13 and i was getting my crew together for 14, i think that the nasa hierarchy had second thoughts. They said, look, al has been grounded for eight or nine years, and youre going to give him the very next flight . He only made a 15 minute suborbital flight . Lets get serious about this thing. So deke said, okay, ill slip him one. So one day when i was training for 14, deke came in and said, jim, how would you like to take 13 and well give shepard 14 . I was delighted. I said, yes. I mean, you know, i was backup on 11. And im all set to go. I mean, you know, i need the training, i need to know the experiments and things like that. But im ready. So thats how it came to pass. Can you put to bed or add to the story that one hears that y
When you were a little kid. You saw a rocket go off and said i want to do that. Is it that simple or that complex . I was interested in rockets in astronomy long before people get spell rocket. I was interested in it way back in high school. I went to try to build some rockets. I wanted to become a rocket engineer, as a matter of fact. Worked at the rocket society. I wanted to become a rocket engineer but essentially they said you have to go to mit or to caltech. I cannot afford either. So i took a secondary goal. I got an rotc appointment to wisconsin. From there i went to the Naval Academy. I got to the flight training. I became a naval air aviator. In 1958, nasa was formed and they were looking for astronauts. I was one of the original 110 people who were selected. Let me go back to the Naval Academy . That is right. This was right after world war ii. I got down to preflight. My mother, when i was at the university of wisconsin, told me to apply to the Naval Academy. 7z3 vi did it,
There i got into flight training. I became a naval aviator, and low and behold in 1958 nasa was formed and they were looking for astronauts. So i was one of the original 110 people selected to go for interviews. Lets go back to your Naval Academy days, you almost didnt go, is that right . That is right. I had two years at wisconsin. I informs a Naval Aviation program after world war ii. Have been the most important project in this century. I became the first alternate that usually doesnt make it, are and i got orders for the physical to be inducted into the academy if you so desired. And then i said should i go to the academy, they said dont do that, you two years of college, you have Naval Aviation, if you go back you have to start all over again, you might not get back in aviation, but there was an old captain there and he said if you want to make the navy your career, get yourself to the academy, that is what hatppened. I term paper, my first term paper, i wrote on the development o
We are socked in, but you can see the sun stkind of depends w are at today. It looks like a gray screen behind us. On this president s date my wife is off but my daughter had softball and the Little League practices of my son is canceled. I am working and i am a little off. Are we off are doing the real thing . A lot of people are spending time with family and friends and i want you to hear what happened when a father from texas and another chance to hear his sons heartbeat nearly 2 years after his son died. He is listening to his sons heartbeat using a status a coat that he put to his son was 21 years old when he was hit and killed by a car. Since his death he has donated seven organs saving the life of up to five people. A year ago the California Law changed so that he has to opt out of the Organ Donation program and opting in is a default. That is part of the real id. I just went and got the new real id and it is stories like that when he comes up and of course you want to be a dono
Painting stay tuned and find out and with that barry wont come to a new edition of the euro max today we have the following topics in store for you. The latest trend in 20 twentieths like the snecked attention and. Magazine leave tips for a perfect weekend in. The legs. His office is. German marine biologist wally corns is not only a diver hes also a nature photographer and has been exploring the underwater world for over 20 years he dives into caves swims with orcas and keeps his calm as sharks fly past we tagged along on his latest expedition to norway to watch as he gets close to massive back whales. Underwater photography dives bryson 2 d. Proves he is getting close to sea life and swimming through ice caves. The marine biologist and Research Diver is known internationally through his photos. Little trouble with extreme temperatures in fact he prefers icy waters. Its been in groups of 4 and im a big fan of called bodies of water because its always surprising what you can find. As i