The rumored Game Boy and Game Boy Advanced emulators on Nintendo Switch are seeming more real, with a long list of GBA games also appearing with a new leak.
Sun 13th Dec 2020
@Heavyarms55 Decent shinies! Shame that the Eevee doesn t have better stats, but maybe you can keep it for lucky trade fodder? Unless you want to keep it for some reason. I did get out for Cday for about an hour today, though the weather wasn t amazing. Most of the rain rolled through overnight, but it was misting a bit when I headed back to my car. Temps were in the lower 40s, but with cloud cover and 10-15 mph winds..Brrr. Ironically, I found all the Cday shinies except Gastly (I have plenty) and Piplup, who I was actually looking for lol. I did get a lucky trade out of the way, so now I m the proud owner of a shiny Tauros. I don t know how many of those I ve caught looking for one..