Blanchester blood drive is Feb. 25
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BLANCHESTER Be part of “Blood Donor Year” by supporting the Blanchester community blood drive 3-7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 25 at the Blanchester Church of Christ, 911 Cherry St.
Registered donors get the “Team Donor” long-sleeve t-shirt, “Fight. Heal. Give” face mask, and free COVID-19 antibody testing. Make an appointment at or call (937) 461-3220.
Community Blood Center is calling 2021 “Blood Donor Year” because of the impact of COVID-19 restrictions and winter weather cancellations on blood collection. CBC challenges all who are able to donate at least three times in 2021.
The goal of the “Fight. Heal. Give” campaign is to encourage COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma donations, especially from new donors. Learn more about donating CCP at and make an appointment at (937) 461-3220.
Upcoming local in-person public events are listed below. We recommend you check with each individual event/organization for updates on changes, cancellatio
Wilmington blood drive is Feb. 10
Submitted article
WILMINGTON CMH Regional Health System will sponsor the monthly Wilmington community blood drive Wednesday, Feb. 10 from noon to 6:30 p.m. in the Wilmington Municipal Building Moyer Community Room, 69 N. South St.
Donors get free testing for COVID-19 antibodies, the “Team Donor” long-sleeve t-shirt and the new “Fight. Heal. Give” face mask. Make an appointment at or by calling (937) 461-3220.
Community Blood Center reminds donors there is no deferral or delay in giving blood after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. If you have recently recovered from COVID-19 you may donate 14 days after your last symptoms.
Blood drives to be held Feb. 2-4
JACKSON CENTER Three blood drives will be held in the community the week of Feb. 1.
Jackson Center United Methodist Church will host a community blood drive Tuesday, Feb. 2 from 12:30 to 6:30 p.m. at 627 E. College St., Jackson Center.
The Senior Center of Sidney-Shelby County will sponsor a community blood drive Wednesday, Feb. 3 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Sidney American Legion Post, 1265 N. Fourth Ave.
St. Remy’s Hall will host a COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma drive Thursday, Feb. 4 from noon to 6 p.m. at 101 Remy St., Russia.
Donors get free testing for COVID-19 antibodies, the “Team Donor” long-sleeve t-shirt and the new “Fight. Heal. Give” face mask. Donors at the St. Remy’s Hall blood drive will receive a “Fight. Heal. Give” t-shirt and a Kroger $25 gift card. Appointments must be made at or by calling 937-461-3220.