Pearlman, yes. Commissioner hyland, and missioner wolfram. Yes. And well mac sure she get conveyed to the Plan Commission an department. Is the Planning Commission the board and mayor . Board of supervisors and the mayor. Thank you. Commissioners items 10 a and b for 17 lbr. 479 castro street and kearny street. These are legacy business applications. Good afternoon, Desiree Smith Planning Department staff. The eye tomorrows today are two legacy business applications, nominations submitted to the Planning Department on october 19th and ready why for your recommendation. While all applications were previously reviewed by the office of Small Business for completion prior to transmittal to the department. Your packet contain a draft resolution outlining the tradition as to the success of each business. The first application before su for cliff variety. A neighborhood hardaway and Variety Store founded in 1936. Its a familyowned store and it offers hardware, home goods, candy and other ever
Of the project sponsors team . Yes. Okay. Your opportunity to speak was during the project presentation, however, the commissioners may have questions and may call you up later. Sure. Thank you. My name is otter duffy. I live a couple of blocks away from this project. Im kind of ambivalent. Im not sure if i should have got up, but i kind of support this project going forward. I was involved in the redistricting and in 2012, that particular building was the you can go back to actually the files on the redistricting and read this, the Bristol Hotel was the reason that that block was included in district 6. It was scheduled to go into district 3, you know, and its true that its in the the union square Historic District, as well, but you know, i think theres some truth that its kind of a bridging element between the two districts, the union square preservation district and the tenderloin preservation district. That being said, all the people who were living there, we thought belonged in di
We begin tonight in syria where the u. S. Led effort to create a reliable military force against i. S. I. L. Suffered another setback. The pentagon confirming that al qaedas wing in syria carried out a surprise attack on forces trained by americans. The attack is the latest attempt by the al nusra front to undermine Syrian Rebels who have backing from the west. Zeina khodr is in Southern Turkey with the latest. Across the border in syria, opposition groups have taken up arms against each other. Theres more infighting threatening the u. S. Programme to train and equip the force to take on the Islamic State of iraq and levant. This is thought to be an air strike carried out by the u. S. To support allies in syria, targetting positions of the Al Qaedalinked al nusra front in northern aleppo. It came too late. Nusra fighters were at the base of a u. S. Backed group called division 30, and abducted its commander and several men, it was a message to the u. S. And syrians who cooperate with i
Treat them as equals. The west had very racist policies towards asia 50, 100 years ago. But japan and china really struggled to treat each others, each other as equals. You know, lends itself to an extremely antagonistic relationship. Glor we continuing with Michael Schmidt who broke the story of the boston red socks use ang apple watch to steal opponents hand signals. The yank yees knew that something was going on so they were trying to take every measure that they could to stop it, to stop them from doing that. And thats part of the thing. Is the catcher telling its pitcher, look, this is the second sign, it will be the fifth sign i put down, the catcher is putting down stealing signs. But what you cant have is people with electronics in the dugout. And thats what seemed to help the red sox here. Glor north korea, a new method of stealting home and an update on Robert Muellers investigation, next. Rose funding for charlie rose is provided by the following bank of america, life better
Treat them as equals. The west had very racist policies towards asia 50, 100 years ago. But japan and china really struggled to treat each others, each other as equals. You know, lends itself to an extremely antagonistic relationship. Glor we continuing with Michael Schmidt who broke the story of the boston red socks use ang apple watch to steal opponents hand signals. The yank yees knew that something was going on so they were trying to take every measure that they could to stop it, to stop them from doing that. And thats part of the thing. Is the catcher telling its pitcher, look, this is the second sign, it will be the fifth sign i put down, the catcher is putting down stealing signs. But what you cant have is people with electronics in the dugout. And thats what seemed to help the red sox here. Glor north korea, a new method of stealting home and an update on Robert Muellers investigation, next. Rose funding for charlie rose is provided by the following bank of america, life better