meet with 2346789 y.p.d. leadership. can there be any reconciliation here? why is this relationship so broken in the first place? is it possible that it s broken for bood e good? joining us now is former n.y.p. depth captain and brooklyn burro president. thaing. so this idea of tension between the mayor and tension between the police in a way, this is nothing new in new york. this is nothing new in sit e cities across the country. but this teal e feels very different to me when you have a tragedy like this in this visceral a reaction from the police. what is different this time? well, i think so. and i believe that any time you have an officer, it s one thing to lose your life while in the commission of a crime. that s a horrible way to die. but when police officers are assassinated, then the tension, the passion, the pain is increased because it is an assault on what we hold deer e dear. and that s public safety. you have such an interesting background in this because you ve b