May 11, 2021, 9:13 am
Given the unavailability of desmedipham to deliver early weed control in fodder beet and spring-sown crops, Teagasc is advising the use of
phenmedipham and ethofumesate as the herbicides which will deliver the best results at the T1 growth stage.
Tillage specialist Ciaran Collins discussed the best herbicide options for beet in 2021 at the recent Teagasc Crops Update webinar.
He said:
“Phenmedipham products include Betenal Flo or Betenal Upfol, applied at rates between 0.4 and 0.5L/ha.
“Ethofumesate products include Oblix or Nortron. These can be applied at between 0.1 and 0.2L/ha.
“These herbicides should be applied to crops at the expanded cotyledon stage. Rates would need to be brought back a bit, if the plants are a bit smaller than this,” he added.