UPCOMING: February 14, 2023 | 1 p.m. ET. Join us for the next interview in this series, a 30-minute talk between Dawn Freshwater, vice chancellor of the University of Auckland, and Liz McMillen, executive editor at <i>The Chronicle,</i> on how Auckland is turning its sustainability plan into action. <i>With Support From Auckland. </I> <b><a href="https://connect.chronicle.com/che-ci-wbn-2023-02-14-leadership-auckland-lp.html?cid= 1 vf leadership auckland ” target=" blank">Register here.</a></b>
UPCOMING: February 14, 2023 | 2 p.m. ET. Despite what many college leaders believe, not all students are digital natives. In this forum, we examine that pervasive myth and offer ideas to help all students develop competency and comfort with technology. <i>With Support From Mongoose.</I> <b><a href="https://connect.chronicle.com/che-ci-wbn-2023-belonging-mongoose 01-Event-LP -Guided.html?cid=che ci web edit 1 vf belonging mongoose ” target=" blank">Register here.</a></b>