Darjeeling s political landscape is unique, with hill-based parties that switch support between Trinamool and BJP. As the region gears up for the second round of Lok Sabha elections, issues like Gorkhaland statehood and minimum wages for tea garden workers take center stage. BJP s Raju Bista, the incumbent, faces competition from Gopal Lama (Trinamool), Munish Tamang (Congress), and independent candidate Bishnu Prasad Sharma. While BJP has dominated in recent years, the demand for Gorkhaland and regional development remain key concerns.
Darjeeling s political landscape is unique, with hill-based parties that switch support between Trinamool and BJP. As the region gears up for the second round of Lok Sabha elections, issues like Gorkhaland statehood and minimum wages for tea garden workers take center stage. BJP s Raju Bista, the incumbent, faces competition from Gopal Lama (Trinamool), Munish Tamang (Congress), and independent candidate Bishnu Prasad Sharma. While BJP has dominated in recent years, the demand for Gorkhaland and regional development remain key concerns.