the president situation could evolve into very tragic circumstances. sean: congressman, i agree with congressman franks. i just think it has gotten so heated, and isis pose with a severed bloodied head of our president?te a nightly murdering of our president? the rhetoric the russia trump conspiracy live told day after day night after night. you think it has had an impact in terms of delegitimizing the president, but also, objectifying him as the subject of evil. i wrote it down, and agents of the foreign government. i think that was a really good way to put it. yet, i think he s right on that. i think we all have to be careful in what we say. everybody has to be careful because there is a heightened sense of emotion and frustration out there on the streets.
they almost indicted him for forgetfulness. that s how vindictive, that s how powerful these powers of state are. sean: by the way, i want to send our thoughts and prayers to the family of this young man, otto, who just recently returned from north korea and i tonight. i am so sad for this family. i want to ask you one final question. i think this is important. i really believe this rhetoric, this hatred i talked about in ml opening monologue, shakespeare, the isis pose, the rhetoric, hate, the violence towards this president, to dehumanize him, is now extraordinarily dangerous.s. your thoughts? it s extremely dangerous, and it s much deeper than just trump. i talk to college students atpe the college republican national convention this week, i ask them, how many of you feel intimidated and your campus? a third of them raised their
risk. you re probably going to be arrested. you were arrested, you are charged, you re going to have to appear in court park. but you knew that, right? yeah, i knew that would be a consequent. sean: why was this so important to you? this is been really important to me because the left has systematically and programmatically used free-speech and artistic expression as a pretext to incite violence against the right and promote the assassination of president trump s, and that is really problematic. you can see the consequence of this play and just the liberaltr mainstream media using political violence against the right of this past week. when representative steve scalise was shot in in assassination attempt onwh the publicans. this was carried out by a liberal who watched msnbc and a fan of the mainstream media, and who knows, maybe he was influenced by kathy griffin and julie caesar. sean: by the way, this was nonviolent, and it s funny. the left has been preaching
the normalization of violence against the right. it is absolutely absurd. sean: in light of what happened last week, you took a very courageous clinical stand. it was nonviolent, you re making a strong point, i applaud youk, for what you are done. you did it knowing what the risks are, and good for you. m thanks so much. thanks for having me. sean: up next, on this busy breaking news night. i m not prepared to say there is proof you can take to a jury. sean: and now, even liberal congressman adam schiff, the latest democrat to admit there is no evidence of trump russia collision, and why is this still a story. we will talk about investigative of robert mueller. why do we move from russia and tromped to obstruction of justice and finances? sarah carter, gregg jarrett, weigh-in, straightahead.