a possibility will be charged? they seem to be moving that direction. we can t say for sure because we don t know the evidence that john durham has. but i can say this, that rosemary collier s letter today is fuel for members of congress who already believe the fisa court should be abolished. it should be replaced with a new system in which there are hearings, not paper submissions. there should be especially appointed public advocates. you cannot trust people like call me, mccabe, rosenstein and others at the fbi to tell te truth. they have demonstrated time and time again they want. sean: let me go to another breaking story tonight. this is pretty amazing. the latvian government saying they flayed suspicious hunter biden payments. i don t understand. everything seems like we hear about ukraine and i don t get it. there is so much corruption. remember the president in the zelensky call, he did say it
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narrative against the president. dana: take a listen to michael cohen talking about his credibility this morning. listen to this. the special council stated emphatically the information i gave to them was credible and helpful. this is substantial amount of information they possess that co ob ratecooberates i m telling te truth. dana: how does that work? the sourpbt district of new york prosecuted him for the crimes. he has been sentenced for those. now they say cohen is free to cooperate with the mueller investigation? they said that at the beginning of the plea. the funny part about that is the sentencing memo calls him a liar seventeen ways to sunday. more importantly the legal analysis nobody made a motion for a 5k reduction.