so if we re talking about the supercommittee or how to bring the deficit down, if you aren t willing to work with democrats, you may not like what they want, but you have to work with them a degree to get as much as you can. but expect that you won t get everything you want, and they won t get everything they want. jenna: you sound incredibly presidential yourself. well, i was a governor ten and a half years. every governor knows that that s how you actually govern. it s navigating the canoe downstream, and there are shoals and rocks in that stream. it s not all pure water. jenna: would you consider being the vice presidential candidate with mitt romney? you know, nobody s asked me abouting being a vice presidentl candidate, so there s no point in me discussing, gee, would i take the call if it comes? because i don t want expect to get the call. jenna: but if it comes? if you call me and pass the word along, i ll at least talk jenna: i will publicly say that i will take calls c
jon: pretty strange and scary weather for early november, a tornado watch in effect until 6 p.m. central time for northeast texas. extreme southeast oklahoma where they ve just had a tornado, northwest louisiana and parts of central and southwest arkansas. you can see in the red box there the area of heightened concern. that tornado watch in effect there if you ve, if you re live anything that area, keep an ear tuned to those weather radios. jenna: well, right now both sides are playing the blame game on capitol hill as the supercommittee struggles to come up with a plan to cut the deficit. if you don t do any revenues, you won t get the grand bargain that gets the deficit down, just as if you didn t do spend, you couldn t come to a grand bargain that gets the deficit down.
what happens to our deficits? they go down, they go up. there must be a plan for growth and jobs for the world and everybody s got to play their part in that. how is david cameron s austerity plan working? we discussed this when you were over for the royal wedding. and it was growing at the time at .5%, maybe 1%. in fact, when we were there, we saw that it was starting to grow just a tad, but it s slowed down again. we have unemployment in our country rising, in a debate now whether we need to recalibrate. we ve got to get our deficit down, but it needs to be in a steady balanced way, if you ve not got growth and unemployment s going up, if you ve got fewer people paying tax more on benefits, that makes your deficit problem worse. and if youth unemployment is rising as it is in britain, there s a long-term challenge there, as well. what the world needs is, balanced plans on deficit reduction, and you can t duck that. but we also need a growth plan
weeks ago. sean: this is what he is calling for now 450 billion in new spending. they just announced majority is going to come through higher taxes. i don t the scale of what he has presented is equivalent to the size of the problem. i think it ought to be bigger. there ought to be more spending. if you want to bring the deficit down, the fastest and surest way, more jobs. you want to bring down the deficit, create more jobs. sean: i felt the rhetoric got insane during the bush years. try to criticize the president on philosophical. here s the deal, when you see jimmy hoffa call tea party members sons of bitches and we are at war with them, maxine waters saying they can go straight to hell, andre carson say they want black people
weeks ago. sean: this is what he is calling for now 450 billion in new spending. they just announced majority is going to come through higher taxes. i don t the scale of what he has presented is equivalent to the size of the problem. i think it ought to be bigger. there ought to be more spending. if you want to bring the deficit down, the fastest and surest way, more jobs. you want to bring down the deficit, create more jobs. sean: i felt the rhetoric got insane during the bush years. try to criticize the president on philosophical. here s the deal, when you see jimmy hoffa call tea party members sons of bitches and we are at war with them, maxine waters saying they can go straight to hell, andre carson say they want black people