of voters he was doing voted for the a.f.p. but at the same time there s the concern that they don t want to let them get away with everything because of course then there s a concern that they will use the time that they have in parliament to push forward those far right ideas these ideas in the agenda and we have to remind people that the if he was elected on a promise to try to prosecute the german chancellor for her refugee policy and also to disrupt the establishment the way it is today and we ve got a story now giving you a look at the a d. which was arguably the star party of this new parliament today. for. your. view. germany s politicians are adopting
which is where i am. there s also a big cleanup effort under way. any street you travel on, richard, there are a number of downed trees. i m going to step out of of the way so you can see one of them. we re on north portal street in the northwest section of washington, d.c. this large tree just snapped in half last night and hit the front of the car of britney lat latisaw. she lives in this neighborhood. it smashed the front part of her car. she was able to climb out the back. i spoke with her. she said she was terrified, shocked. she issing th thankful she is ot injured. of course last night s storm was deadly so a lot of people really suffering and trying to clean up and put the pieces back together today. again, officials believe these temperatures could hit triple digits today and through the beginning of this coming week so they are urging everyone to take this weather very seriously. if you ve lost power, they say go to a cooling center.
impermanence of high tech media expression runs through september twenty eighth. then staying on the subject of art london s victoria and albert museum is branching out to dun the scotland and those responsible for the expansion are using the guggenheim museum in balboa spain as an example now that museum turned a struggling industrial town into a thriving cultural metropolis and the people have done di are hoping for the same type of economic effect from this new cultural attraction long before opening day the spectacular building of the victoria and albert museum has designed a vision in done started to inspire the imagination of its observers is it a paramedic turned upside down a stack of shipping pallets or a ship japanese star architect was commissioned to capture the spirit of done d.
a clear majority within within parliament if these coalition told she would feel. would only have the option to form a minority government a minority government is something she has solved cold unstable and therefore not suitable for germany so if these talks fail she wouldn t have any other options left than new elections a new elections is something she can t really want because everybody knows that as soon as the voters would be called back to the polls this would probably strengthen the right wing party the a of d. which is the. one of the biggest opponents of chancellor angela merkel. is doomed to success here but right now we can see anything that is close to success doomed to success that hit it right on the head right there with her bitter vault standing by with the very latest at the social democrats headquarters where these talks are taking place as we mentioned the last day of exploratory talks and what
most think voted for the a.f.p. but at the same time there s the concern that they don t want to let them get away with everything because of course then there s a concern that they will use the time that they have in palm and to push forward those far right ideas these ideas in the agenda and we have to remind people that the a if he was elected on a promise to try to prosecute the german chancellor for her refugee policy and also to disrupt the establishment the way it is today and we ve got a story now giving you a look at the a d. which was arguably the star party of this new parliament today. for. your. view. germany s politicians are adopting