Medicredit has agreed to pay $1.95MM to settle claims of TCPA class members in suit brought in Missouri. Notice that Medicredit’s effort to track wrong number reports was used against it to create the class. If you are tracking wrong numbers this way you should re-think it.
Chipotle faces robotext lawsuit under Florida Telephone Solicitation Act FTSA. Suit is brought in California. Plaintiff claims to represent All persons in Florida who, at any time since July 1, 2021, received a sales call from Chipotle.
Class action complaint filed by Gino D’Ottavio in May of 2018 against Slack Technologies alleging violations of the TCPA after he received “numerous unsolicited text messages after signing up for Defendant’s service. Gino D’Ottavio v. Slack Technologies.
The case is Vance v. DirecTV, No. 17-cv-179, N.D.W. Va. The court certified the class notwithstanding DirecTV’s arguments on the basis of Established Business Relationships EBRs with the named plaintiffs.
In Watson v. Manhattan Luxury Automobiles auto dealership closed, sold customer list to new dealership that called, texted. EBR with first dealership does not transfer to second. Court rejected argument that class members must personally register on DNC and certified case.