elon musk addressed that and said that bhot testimony companies need each other. ultimately though, apple is going to take a fee for putting things on their store. you know, if you had a store, wouldn t you want a cut? they are taking 30% right now. although maybe yesterday elon was able to negotiate it down into the 20 s. ainsley: maybe. so. steve: that s how he rolls. ainsley: troubling admission in the investigation surrounding the murders of his four i d do who he college students. we have a live report coming up next. steve: plus, congress is walk working to avoid a rail strike ahead the holidays. the latest offer on the table straight ahead. you are watching fox & friends on this first day of december. look who is going to be on the show later this morning i even walking was tough. i had to do something. i started cosentyx®.
about. and makes sure that we can get some of the records that we need. but i also want to hear things like what about allowing the centers for disease control do research on gun sfliens whviole. what did reinstating the weapons ban that expired in 90 snour those are things that can be done and they can prevent some of these mass shootings with the weapons of war being used with 100 rounds of ammunition. we could ban those kind of magazine clips. i haven t heard the president say those things at all. jonathan, we were debating in the newsroom as to what the president meant when he said intelligent background checks, if he was trying to couch it or not. if he didn t want to say full blown background checks because he understood who s listening to this commentary. he knows that wayne lapierre is hearing every word he s saying about what he s going to propose when it comes to gun legislation when he comes back from his ten-day break bhot, aside from wayne lapierre is advising the presi
but i think we have to look at why they re angry. we have the worst inequality in this country since the 1920s. three people in the country have the same wealth as the bottom 50% of americans. two of them live in my state, by the way. bhot tom 50% of americans. that s 160 million people. people want to see a planet that they are able to preserve and hand on to their children and grandchildren. they want health care. they are angry because their life is not better than their previous generation. so, that is what any presidential candidate, whether it s biden or kamala harris or anybody else is going to have to put forward, bold policies that work for the american people instead of the biggest corporations. if they can do that, i think people will respond to that. but they want to see real solutions. i don t think it s about unity or anger. it s i think about the underlying situation that people find themselves in where they can t make ends meet and they can t provide something for their
highly controversial comments that seem to be defending. no, not a word. they wouldn t acknowledge that he said it. i love the president s response on it. it s not late term abortion, it s super late term, it s all the way up to birth. and he insinuated as a fen that it might be after birth which is why it s exactly the right thing to call it. i watched the press conference, it was bizarre. he almost moon walked to prove that he did the michael jackson thing. i don t know who s telling the truth. i think when you get your year book you check out your page first. i find it hard believe that they didn t know something about this. it s fishy. i think his time is probably up. you know, tbhot a goo not a goor him. his comments were conscious shocking and this at the tail end of it. we ve had a lot of viewers write
whether they re intelligence or law enforcement, seem to be doing. on the other hand, i think that mr. flynn brought this situation upon himself by not telling the same story each time and eventually there was so much squirrel around that that i think he had no choice but to resign. important thing, in my view, is the president now proceed with the selection of another national security adviser so we can fill this critically see this critical post filled. p.j., the overnight reporting in the new york times and our reporting at nbc is that there were some number of contacts between people in the orbit of president trump back during the campaign, and russia. that s being investigated, apparently. is that a large deal to you? is that something that is critically important to get to the bhot tom oottom of? i think there are multiple things going on here. there is the interference that