deeply divided congress. the president saying he had good news after talking with house speaker kevin mccarthy. both leaders calling a compromise and admitting it is not everything everyone wanted. it raises the debt ceiling until after the 2024 presidential election. it holds the line on non-defense spending and toughens work requirements for some receiving federal aid. with critics on both sides of the aisle, will congress approve the agreement before the june 5th deadline? elizabeth schulze and jay o brien are standing by in washington. also tonight, a mass shooting at a biker rally. three people killed. five others injured. what has been called a dispute between rival biker gangs. how did this happen? an event that was billed as family-friendly. texas attorney general ken paxton impeached by federal republicans. paxton accused of bribery and using his office to benefit a major donor. how his wife could have a major say in whether he will be forced from office. terrifying
a question for kayla kozlowski that he wanted her to read while cameras caught the heartwarming moment. you are fun and you are an awesome dancer. thank you. want to ask you oh one question. prom? linsey: taylor s surprise was clear. yes, i will go to prom with you. linsey: this unique promposal all the more meaningful because jack and kayla both have down syndrome. said said, i want to ask kayla to go to the prom with me. i want to ask her and use the numbers three, two, one. i said, why is that? he said, because kayla has down syndrome like me. linsey: 321 stands for trisomy 21. people with down syndrome have a third copy of chromosome 21. jack and kayla met seven years ago. i was in dc and i help people