Consultants said Taylor Gully does not currently have the capacity to handle 100-year storm events. (Screenshot courtesy Harris County Flood Control District) The city of Houston was awarded almost $22.36 million from the Texas Water Development Board for drainage projects, $10.1 million of which will be used to improve Taylor Gully a channel in northeast Kingwood credited with exacerbating flooding twice in 2019.
The TWDB approved a resolution May 6 to provide almost $22.36 million to the city of Houston $18.68 million in a loan and $3.67 million in grants for the city to construct drainage projects, according to a May 6 release from the TWDB.
While $10.1 million will be used in Taylor Gully, the other almost $12.3 million will be used to add roadside ditches, in-line stormwater lines, culverts and other improvements in Wynnewood Acres, a community in northeast Houston. The TWDB funding is from the state s 2020 Flood Infrastructure Fund cycle, which was created by Senate Bill