you know, legislation goes to people in the world when democracy and freedom are under die. so it s acting in a corrupt attack. we use any tool set in the fashion. i don t know if he gains from it. so that s not my place to say. democratic arsenal to fight back and they are doing that in hong but it is shocking to me to see kong. they have done that in europe. someone with that level of that s a very heartening thing. if you think by the way, responsibility just walk away elections don t matter. from that responsibility day in we would not have impeached and day out and try to be a donald trump if voters have one-man wrecking crew in the mobilized in 2018 either. united states senate. you know, joy, all we hear is, using your democratic rights is the way to protect democracy. why are the democrats doing impeachment when they have so much work to do? you know e.j. mentions it as guess what? there are more than 200 bills almost 400. sitting on mitch mcconnell s desk and how the