allegedly illegal taxation scheme. similarly, the indictment says, there were other trump organization executives who worked for the company, but they were regularly paid in ways that were designed to disguise their payment from tax authorities. they were regularly paid in ways to make it look like they were not getting compensated as trump organization employees. they were getting paid as, consultants, or something. it has important tax consequences both for company and for the executive getting paid that way. that is all spelled out in the indictment. it is spelled out in the indictment as a further part of the scheme to defraud. no other executives besides allen weisselberg were described as the beneficiaries of that fraud, but it is explicitly spelled out that he was not the only one who benefited from that kind of a scheme. i will also tell you that is exactly the kind of scheme described by new york times reporters in september.
Fiji Revenue Customs Service
The Fijian Government introduced a number of policy measures in the COVID-19 Response Budget and the 2020/2021 National Budget last year.
The policies were designed to assist businesses and individuals to mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and stimulate the Fijian economy during such unprecedented times.
A number of these policy measures are still in place and Fijians can take advantage of these measures and fully benefit from it.
In this week’s Tax Talk, we will focus on some of these policy measures that are available for businesses and individuals.
The Economic Consequences of the American Revolution in Massachusetts
From the lecture series: America s Founding Fathers
George Washington was not the only one to have doubts about the wisdom being shown by the Confederation, its Congress, and its presidents. But, at one end of the spectrum, were the doubts, and at the other end, were the unhappy and contentious farmers of western New England. Let’s explore the ramifications of the war in Massachusetts.
The American Revolution had disastrous consequences on the American economy. (Image: Domenick D’Andrea/Public domain)
Money and the Massachusetts Government
Like the Confederation Congress and the other states, Massachusetts resorted to paying its bills by issuing paper. However, there was so little specie in the hands of the Massachusetts government to back that paper up that the paper was soon circulating at one-fourth of its face value.