Although you might not like doing your taxes, you must file a return to get your refund or avoid interest and penalties on money you owe. Filing taxes online streamlines the process so you save paper.
How much does it cost to file your taxes with TaxAct?
Tax prep companies frequently offer discounts on products early in the season. The prices listed in this article do not include any discounts. You can check the company s website to see current offers.
You can pay as little as $0 or as much as $204.90 to file your taxes with TaxAct. Prices vary based on how complicated your tax situation is and what types of income streams and deductions you ll need to include. In other words, the more streams of income you have and/or the more deductions or credits you qualify for, the more expensive it will be to prepare your return.
TaxAct offers four tax-filing plans, including a free federal option for basic tax situations.
TaxAct s interface isn t as detailed as some of its higher-end competitors, but it is easy to use.
Pricing is fair, though customers should be careful to account for add-ons such as expert help and state returns.
I m a personal finance nerd who looks forward to filing their taxes every year. In the years I owe, I find myself grateful for the abundance of the past year as I input each number into my tax filing software. In the years where I get a refund, I find myself celebrating every last penny of the extra cash.