Protesters attack Wall Street traders screaming ‘SHAME’ and ‘eat the rich’ amid backlash over GameStop stock crackdown
Laura Gesualdi-Gilmore
29 Jan 2021, 9:14
PROTESTERS heckled Wall Street traders, screaming shame and eat the rich at them amid backlash over the GameStop stock crackdown.
A crowd gathered outside of the New York Stock Exchange in Manhattan on Thursday, and several demonstrators were spotted tailing people leaving the building to shout at them.
Protesters stood in front of the Stock Exchange and spelled out Tax Wall Street Credit: Getty Images - Getty
Employees were seen ducking into nearby buildings to avoid the crowd, according to the New York Post, as protesters continued to heckle them with questions like, How much money do you make?
so, i believe that herman cain will probably get some additional fundraising coming in and i have heard he will report about $2 million. the key is the money will allow you staying power and an organization can be built. neil: thank you very much. formally with the it will gram campaign. protests are shouting at tax wall street, don t cut jobs. does anyone see a problem with that? there s only one bottle left !