Part two of a two-part series on the Engel List - Illicit financial flows and corruption are a major concern across Latin America, as governments in the Americas try to st.
Data and research on exchange of information, including tax avoidance, Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information, OECD Model Tax Convention, TRACE, Published today during the opening session of the sixth meeting of the Punta del Este Declaration Initiative held in San José, Costa Rica, Tax Transparency in Latin America 2022 showcases the region s recent progress in tackling tax evasion and other financial crimes through transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes.
Tax Transparency in Latin America is a key output of the Punta del Este Declaration, a Latin American initiative established in 2018 to tackle tax evasion, corruption and other financial crimes through transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes. The 2022 edition covers 16 Latin American countries and aims to inform decision makers and citizens on the latest progress and remaining challenges in the region.
In another eventful week in tax, the 2021 edition of the UN Model Taxation Convention was officially launched, while Disney is facing a higher tax bill over its disagreement with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.