those other two memos had. what does that tell you? that tells you that natalia veselnitskaya was not an independent actor. she was in the trump tower meeting on behalf of the kremlin and she was there on a very important government mission. it s an absurdity to think anything else based on the navigation that s become available. why this fixation not just on the clinton e-mails and trying to get dirt on hillary clinton but apparently also on democratic donors? can you help us understand from vladimir put vladimir putin s point of view why that would be? all of this comes back to one thing. that is the absolute obsession from the kremlin and vladimir putin personally to try to get rid of or reduce the effectiveness of the act. for all the similarities that exist between the putin regime and the regime we had back in
power directly. he is a mafia boss who distributes money and power. the sanctions take power directly away from putin. he perceives them as a personal threat. absolutely. you have of course become at the center of part of the push back against the act. you had your visa actually recently pulled. if you could just explain briefly. i think it has been restored but explain briefly to the audience what happened with you personally regarding your visa in the past couple of weeks. so i ve been working for a number of years on getting the act passed, the sanctions. i got it passed in the united states in 2012. and last week the canadian government passed sanctions. and vladimir putin was public school furious. he put me on the interpol most wanted list. as a result, i wautomatically hd my u.s. visa cancelled.
enormous that everybody worker will get a $4,000 increase in wages. this is the core argument that they are making. but as you point out, capital is as cheap as its ever been in history. you can sell stock, sell bonds. company for borrow money for very little money. sitting on over $2 trillion of idle cash to invest tomorrow. plus, they don t ever look at the history. if you look at go to, the bureau s labor statistics and look at what happened to real median wages after the tax reform act of 1986, they fell, for ten years. right. which doesn t mean tax cuts are a bad thing. the concept a company gets a tax cut and somehow that works its way into the pockets of working americans isn t really doesn t bear out. recently we had the george w. bush administration. we had a big tax cut almost
in taxes. so sometimes to make the tax code more fair, you do have to make it more complicated. all of that was lost today in a rushed presentation that included no consultation with any democrats. and it will be impossible to legislate a giant tax cut unless democrats vote for it. because a tax cut that just loses money for the treasury cannot be done under the reconciliation rules of the senate that require only 51 votes for passage. and ronald reagan knew he needed democrats. that s why he consulted with key democrats before he even made that announcement speech that you just saw. he consulted with the democrats about what he was going to try to do and what they thought he should try to do. and he collaborated with them before his announcement. and then he worked with them for a year and a half to get it done. and in the rose garden when president reagan signed the tax reform act of 1986, a year and a
should try to do. and he collaborated with them before his announcement. and then he worked with them for a year and a half to get it done. and in the rose garden when president reagan signed the tax reform act of 1986, a year and a half after proposing it, this happened. we must also salute those courageous leaders in the congress who have made this day possible. to bob packwood, dan rostenkowski, russell long, john duncan and bob dole, to jack kemp, bob caston, bill bradley, dick gephardt, who pioneered with their own versions of tax reform, i salute you and all the other members of the senate and house whose efforts paid off and whose votes finally won the day. dan rostenkowski, russell long, bill bradley, dick gephardt. ronald reagan couldn t have done it without them.