is totally inconsistent with the way the law is written. the law is clear, if you want to be involved as a 501 c4, you re exclusively involved in social welfare activities. no politics. why has this is an old regulation. it s come to matter more since the citizens united case, because what they said was that corporations including non-profits could dump millions of dollars into campaigns. so if they allowed some of this political activity, they could dump millions of dollars. one of the nice things having my job, you may resent it, i can t give a political contribution of five bucks. i can t give a nickel. it keeps me simple. people say can you help? i say no, i can t. i don t want people think i ve given money. tax loss shuen written that way. the law says if you look up your statute, the law stays it you want to be a 5001 c4, organization duck only only exclusively engage in social