understand that it s the law. the law is the problem. some states only give you benefits if you are fully laid off. all of these government employees are having the same rights and benefits of private employees. shannon: mark, let me ask you. the employees are getting creative and getting laid off in chunks of time and not furlough them for a few days. they will come back, but taking the blocks of time in a specific way so they qualify for unemployment. people get creative to get legal benefits. people were complaining about apole, with $100 billion in cash but they are using debt because they don t want to repatriot the funds not to pay u.s. taxes. it s legal. if you don t like it, change the law. the same is true for all kinds of people with a tax expenditure on january 1 for tax reasons. it is not their fault. if republicans are playing games in washington, it is not the
labor market. eric: julie, providing tax incentives is allowing them to keep more of their own money. they are using taxpayer money, people that have paid their taxes and putting towards student loans for people that aren t those same taxpayers. i don t see the difference. one case you are using a case for tax base attract talented labor. it s weolth redistribution. i tell you, you talk about taxes niagra has the second highest property taxes of percentage of home value of any place in the country. history of corruption in their government. high crime. why not address those issues. [ talking over each other ] eric: hold on. every economist would say it s the same tax expenditure.
you are using a tax expenditure in a labor pool. student debt, average student is coming out of college, unemployment is 9%. the average debt is somewhere close to $30,000. you have seen important reforms. listen, go ahead. you wanted the kids to come back. let them come back and fix this town where they were raised. they have vested interest in it. everybody knows that jonathan doesn t want to help children and doesn t want to help them shape or form. eric: that is not a fair shot. i was going to say, these people this money is going to get spent anyway. you have a downtown area that is destroyed. it s you know, you are going to bring p.m. back and rehabilitate the city. that is going increase the
to use your parlance, then you can use those to lower rates or for something else, be, you can t say it s all on the spending side or all on the tax side. wait a second. let s set the ground rules here. no one is talking act eliminating all tax expenditures. correct. two, a tax expenditure has to be looked at as an appropriation. is it worthwhile, how much does it cost, does it serve a function? the difference between a tax expenditure and appropriation is you have to reappropriate money every year. once you enact the expenditure, it stays there forever until you repeal it. look what s happened in the last ten years, 01, 03, 2010. you had to live through this in washington about reupping, you know, expiring tax relief. is that an ideal situation? i don t quite understand. this is going to be you know, we talked in the first few seconds of the show all about sort of the social spending side. now we re talking about the tax side. tax reform is the thing that president obama
larger deficit reduction plan, which is part of an economic strategy to strengthen jobs in our economy, that there s not are you ready for this? there s not one single penny, not one, that you can get from any tax expenditure, any special interest tax break, any loophole for the most well-off american that you can apply for deficit reduction. thanks so much gene sperling from the white house. the managing he heditor of the , i think normally somebody has to lead, and it s one of those things almost like in a kidnapping you have to i want the baby back, here is your $100,000. you have to do it exactly at the same time. in this case the republicans didn t want to do it at exactly the same time. the president has to lead and i think it has trickiness. what do you think? you re right in the sense the president is doing like a hostage exchange saying we know that republicans want something very specific. they would like to cut entitlements. democrats should understand