Tax Day Deadline, Is due today April 18th. Americans are already falling behind in the current tax season, according to the latest IRS statistics. About 91 million people have filed their returns as of April 1, down from 93 million filers at the same time last year, when taxpayers had an extra month to get
that he s got clear goals. it did not hurt as well that he committed $40 million to the state of florida, folks involved in the space program, to help them retrain and find some jobs. wolf? suzanne, thank you. suzanne malveaux traveling with the president. on this tax day deadline, the white house is releasing president obama s tax returns. it shows he and the first lady made $5.5 million last year. most of it from sales of his books. and they ve paid almost $1.8 million in taxes. the first couple donated $329,000 to charities. including care and the united negro college fund. the president also divided his $1.4 million nobel peace prize money among ten different charities. on this also tax deadline day, the tea party protesters gathered here in washington over at the freedom plaza. republican representative michele bachmann of minnesota drew roars of approval when she charged that the white house and