SAN FRANCISCO, July 24 Twitter owner Elon Musk and the chief executive he brought aboard just a month ago say the social media network will ditch the bird logo, rebrand the.
background into a strength she set a moral compass for this country. those are things that are front of pemople s minds and whether they can afford health care and whether they can plan for their future i think what we saw over the course of the last week, it was a very impressive week rollout for her that she s going to be tough and she s got she s got her message and she s got her agenda that she s going to run on and she s built a coalition from the looks of that crowd that is very similar to barack obama s coalition, and a very similar message, too while she s obviously running as a democrat, it was an apartisan nature in that speech where she was above partisan politics, and i thought that was impressive. elizabeth warren with her tax brand. jonathan, you have kristen gillibrand you have a growing field we know there s a possibility of former colorado governor hickenlooper getting in.
they say that s go the going to away problem. it s not an insurmountable problem, but that the american public is wary to the tax brand. do you think there is a problem with the bush brand? i think there is. the bush faux family, two presidents came out of that fem. a 41st president and the 43rd president. you have the son jeb bush who is aspiring to be a president poeg possibly with his new book. you but you have to remember, george w. bush, the republican matter danced himself from him at the convention because these blame him, as well, for the problem with the current economic situation. jeb bush has a mighty hill to climb. governor rendell, your take? i think jeb bush will be, of course, somewhat hammered by the bush name. but i think he ll be considered on his own merits.