think they will have a big november. we are focused in our caucus like a laser helping those who are not in the middle class get to the middle class and helping people who are in the middle class stay there. what is the number one thing that is bothering people? rising premiums. the increase in premiums is giving is taking away more out of their pocketbooks in s tax breaks have given them. there is a fascinating tug of war on the day today. tes tax breaks have given them. there is a fascinating tug of war on the day today.hes tax br. there is a fascinating tug of war on the day tax bre them. there is a fascinating tug of war on the day today.s tax brea. there is a fascinating tug of war on the day today. tax break. there is a fascinating tug of war on the day today. on the health care issue, the trump administration goes to court and says it will no longer defend parts of obamacare about pre-existing conditions. it is consistent with the trump administration s
to understand, finally. it s about getting america going again and growing again. simplifying the tax code so that you can file your taxes on a form the size of a postcard. here what is in the plan. reduce the number of individual tax br brackets from serve ton three. increase the child tax credit, eliminate deduction for state and local taxes and eliminates the estate tax and reduces the corporate tax freight 35% to 20% and cap the small business rate at 25%. might satisfy a number of republican lawmakers, but the public is another question entirely. our latest poll, how to fund the government and keep the economy healthy, 16% decreased. 55% increase. and feeling pressure to get something done on taxes, though, is powerful. it s the difference between
jong-il pnd and another toddler goes missing. what are they doing to find her? let s go out front. we re waying for the house to waiting for the house to vote on the payroll tax cut bill. the vote too should take place later tonight. you re going to see the house republican leadership come out in a few moments. we anticipate to make a statement. john payner speaker will be there and we will also hear from eric cantor, jeb hensarling. as we count down to that, let s tell where you we stand. the version of the bill under consideration tonight is the senate version. it extends the payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits for two months. now, they re paying for this by having fannie mae and freddie mac charge higher fees on new mortgages, so it is paid for. what s the hold snup the bill only stepds textends the tax br two months. that s a real kick the can down solution and it frustrate as lot of people on both sides of the i ll. but enough so for the gop leadership that they