that he didn t think he would eventually be caught? you know this was way before, you know, i got involved in the investigation. you could sees was very confident. that would manifest with taunting phone calls or similar type behavior. i think that as the case got more and more notoriety, i think he became leg and less comfortable i think given the amount of searches he had on our task force i think he was concerned. you used the grand jury obviously to get to this point, you talked about how important secrecy was so he wouldn t be tipped off to exactly what was going on and go on about his daily life. you talk about a couple of things. first of all, cell phone evidence, how important that was in, i mean, essentially finding a needle in a haystack.
for the first time the district attorney allowed a camera crew inside the crime lab where investigators are now using cutting edge technology, including a system to collect dna from rough objects being used to retest physical evidence that has been preserved for the last 10 years. it s key. nine of the 10 victims whose remains were found along the parkway were sex workers. the killer used burner phones to contact these women and also used a cell phone belonging to one of the victims to make taunting phone calls to a family member. until recently, those calls were very hard to trace. but the d.a. invested in technology to analyze old phone data in this case. we are going do look at where cell phone towers picked up signals.
located since december along a 10-mile stretch of some remote dunes. police have not released many details, but based on clues that have come out, some criminologists have started to piece together who they think the killer or killers may be, and the location of where the remains were is one of the most important clues. the out of the way area suggests that the killer possibly lives or works nearby. the dunes are covered in poison ivy, so the killer may have sought treatment, and they believe that he is a white male in his mid 20st to mid 40st, he s married, has a girlfriend and is financially secure. another important clue are those burlap sacks found at the scenes. profilers leave that the killer or has access to burlap sacks. the killer made some taunting phone calls, you may remember, to a sister of one of the victims using the victim s cell
mid-20 s to 40 s, married or a girlfriend, and well educated and financially secure. and out of the way location where the remains were discovered, suggests that the killer possibly lives or works nearby. and burlap sack found at the scenes important because burlap is in the too common these days and profilers believe the killer somehow has access to burlap sacks through work. experts believe he is sadistic in part because of the taunting phone calls we told you about made to the sister of a victim and that impulse woulden reflected in his relationships and his job. and, finally, he appears to be a seasonal killer. of the court remains identify all were reported missing in the summertime. the experts we should point out are not involved in the case, basing their from file on reports that have come out of the investigation so far. in fact, we spoke with a former f.b.i. profiler who was hesitant to comment on any clues until an official profile is released
possibly lives or works nearby. they believe that he is a white male in his mid 20s to mid 40s, married or has a girlfriend, is well educated and financially secure. another important clue are those burlap sacks found at the scene, burlap isn t common these days. profilers believe that the killer has access to burlap sacks. the killer made some taunting phone calls, we told you about that, to a sister of one of the victims using the victim s cellphone and that leads experts to believe that the killer is sadistic, an impulse that would be reflected in his relationships and jobs. finally of the four remains that have been identified they were all reported missing in the summertime. investigators say that that suggests a seasonal nature in the crimes. we spoke with a former f.b.i. profiler who was hesitant to comment on any clues, saying all the information that investigator have has to be