he starts an online fund raiser to give karen the vacation of a lifetime. the goal, raise $5,000 in 30 days. i don t think anyone could have expected what happened. i could never have expected what happened. within three hours, the site reaches the goal. within three days, people donate more than $200,000. this whole internet community, 86 countries, they all came together to help this woman out. after 30 days of fund raising, the grand total is more than max ever expected. karen kline receives more than $700,000. i was blown away. i really was. i still am. karen retires from the school that dream intends on taking she also plans on donatio charities that are close to her heart. but karen s greatest treasure from this experience is the ourilovehe receives from around the world.
supervise the back of the bus on the ride home from school. it was always the same kids that went to the back of the bus. every once in awhile, they d make a snide remark. i told the bus driver i didn t want to go back there. oh, my god. you re so fat. out of earshot of the bus driver, the group of four rowdy boys start taunting karen. recording the whole thing on a camera phone. you re so fat. you take up the entire seat. when kids bully, what they re looking for is a vulnerable target and a big reaction from that target. that s what makes bullying fun. triple sag? triple sag. triple z. look at her [ bleep ] stomach. but karen keeps her composure for the time being. i was trying to ignore them. i really was. you re a troll. you re a troll. you troll. ugly. the bullies seem thrilled by
the notion that the video will later be seen online. so you re putting this up on facebook? they thought this was a cool thing. they thought they d get a ton of likes on facebook and get laughs. they thought they d be heroes. they weren t thinking about the consequences. they re not connecting real things. i m going to [ bleep ] take a crap in your mouth. i m going to break into your house and then steal everything. wait. there s nothing to steal. they were increasing their taunts and harassment. even their physical touching of her. they were doing anything in their power to get her to react. that for them would have been the prize. but she was not going to take the bait. karen. he touched you. he freaking just touched your arm flab. the barrage of insults and profanity continues on the bus. no one appears to stop it. you old ass. you re going to die of [ bleep ] diabetes because you re so fat. i tried to make it go away so
she s going to get her freaking sweat all over it. she s going to pick out which kid she s going to rape next. but i gave up. and then one particular dig that karen will never forget. but you don t have a family because they all killed themselves because they didn t want to be near you. tragically, karen kline s son did commit suicide years earlier. whether the students were aware of that fact is unclear. i was trying to think if i had told them about rusty. i don t know. the ten-minute video of karen s devastating bus ride home quickly goes viral. people worldwide are upset and outraged. including one man 170 miles away in toronto, canada. i couldn t watch it until the end.
the bullies seem thrilled by the notion that the video will later be seen online. so you re putting this up on facebook? they thought this was a cool thing. they thought they d get a ton of likes on facebook and get laughs. they thought they d be heroes. they weren t thinking about the consequences. they re not connecting real things. i m going to [ bleep ] take a crap in your mouth. i m going to break into your house and then steal everything. wait. there s nothing to steal. they were increasing their taunts and harassment. even their physical touching of her. they were doing anything in their power to get her to react. that for them would have been the prize. but she was not going to take the bait. karen. he touched you. he freaking just touched your arm flab. the barrage of insults and profanity continues on the bus. no one appears to stop it. you old ass. you re going to die of [ bleep ] diabetes because you re so fat. i tried to make it go away so it couldn