chip olte is one and trader joe s is another one. when you provide the customer with a good experience because you re treating your employees well and they take pride in their work it s a win/win for everybody. you can still be profitable and provide a good product or service. costco, chipolte and trader s joe are showing the high road is a model that work and to the detractors you don t have to rely on treating workers poorly. in fact, it saves us as taxpayers money. we subsidize the low road walmart model and costco employees toof to rely on government benefits in the same way. 20 dollar hamburger? that a little bit of a stretch. maybe $5 but not $20. put on your political hat in addition to your economist hat kind of thing. how does this happen? because, boy, the pushback has been tremendous. well, we had in the last round the minimum wage fight in congress, the ceo of costco writing a letter to the
summit. joining me, former u.s. ambassador to syria, ted, tatoof. you have expressed skepticism about arming the opposition forces. what is your reaction to the news that the president has decided to move forward with arming syria s opposition forces? there is a decision to arm. we know very little about what that means. nobody said they were giving them anti-tank weapons or anti-a anti-aircraft weapons. as far as small arms, they get plenty through saudi arabia, turkey and jordan. it is hard to know if this is anything more than a tactical response to the fact that the administration has been under pressure to come up with i afinding on chemical weapons and that the opposition has been in
slope. there is a responsible way to revolve this. but if we take a bad deal and say that all of the nation s fiscal problems are to be balanced on the back of middle class families and the wealthy don t participate, that s a bad deal we cannot and should not live within this country. shortly before your public comments about this this past summer, i was hearing off the record from democratic senators they believed they were going to have to go off the cliff because at that time, they couldn t conceive of any other way for republicans to violate their pledge to grover norquist that in january, once you re off the cliff, what everyone would be voting r for would not be considered a tax increase, so they thought they were going toof today it. is there now a growing feeling among democrats that the republicans are breaking up with norquist in such numbers that they might be able to do
massachusetts affected catholics in northwest florida, then i would be hearing from catholics that i went to high school with. and good friends of mine, so and this is what i ve also found. this is what i ve also found, it s fascinating what the left is doing today. what they re doing today is what the right did against muslims during the ground zero issue. where instead of talking about the issue at hand, whether muslims have a right toof a community center at ground zero, the right just attacked the bad actors in the sloom faimuslim f. what i ve seen the left do is first of all try to make this about mitt romney or try to make this about what catholics did during world war ii. just ad homynim attacks. this is the same church that rapes little boys and stood by and let germans kill six million jews. the catholic church is being attacked by so many people in
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