Tata Technologies is raising a total of Rs 3,042.51 crore via its initial stake sale, which entirely consists of an OFS component of 6,08,50,278 equity shares with a face value of Rs 2 each.
Incorporated in 1994, Tata Technologies is a global engineering services company by Tata Group, which offers product development and digital solutions.
Tata Technologies IPO is the one of the biggest buzzing at Dalal Street. As the Tata Group is gearing up for an initial stake sale after almost two decades, its first issue after TCS.
The last IPO of Tata Group, TCS, has created immense wealth for the investors, delivering compounding multibagger returns to the investors. It is among the top two most valued companies of Dalal Street.
Tata Technologies IPO: Almost 19 years since the last Tata Group firm listed on BSE and NSE, the conglomerate is all set to launch the IPO of Tata Technologies. Dalal Street spectators are eagerly expecting the IPO launch. Watch this Visual Story to check latest GMP, issue details, expected price band, and more. Also, know if you should you apply?