Tata Sky launches cloud-based recording feature for Android-powered Binge+ Set-top-box
Tata Sky launches cloud-based recording feature for Android-powered Binge+ Set-top-box
By:Abhishek Malhotra, The Mobile Indian , New Delhi
Last updated : March 18, 2021 11:45 am
Tata Sky, the known DTH service provider is now introducing a new feature for its Binge+ Set-top-box users where one can now record the shows or movies from a particular channel and then pause, rewind, restart or fast-forward that content later on.
The record feature was previously available only on the regular Tata Sky HD+ Set-top-box but is now making its way to the Android-powered Binge+ box. The content you record will not take up the internal storage of the box, instead will be stored on a cloud through which you can play the recorded show or a movie.