Tata Digital India Fund was launched on December 28, 2015. The size of the fund is ₹9,272 crore. In the past one year, the fund has delivered a return of 31.90 percent while the three-year CAGR return is 20.89 percent.
Three mutual fund NFOs or new fund offers are open for subscription this week. Kotak Healthcare Fund, DSP Banking & Financial Services Fund are open for subscription. Bajaj Finserv Balanced Advantage Fund will open for subscription later this week.
The performance of the scheme will be benchmarked against S&P BSE Healthcare Index. The scheme will be managed by Nikhil Mathur, Dhruv Muchhal (overseas investments).
Bhubaneswar: The equity mutual funds have witnessed a net inflow of Rs. 7,625.96 crore in July 2023, according to the Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI) data. The same AMFI data suggests within the equity mutual fund category, the small-cap
A recession in global markets, especially in the US, might actually be a good news for India, as the domestic Information Technology sector could win some outsourcing contracts that were earlier for US-based companies, says Tata Mutual Fund’s Meeta Shetty