Tejas Networks share gained 7.34% to a record high of Rs 939.90 today. At 10:21 am, around 0.49 lakh shares of Tejas changed hands amounting to a turnover of Rs 4.47 crore on BSE.
Voltas shares fell 5.52 per cent to Rs 804.70 against the previous close of Rs 855.05 on BSE. Voltas stock opened with a loss of 2.86% at Rs 830.60 today.
Shares of Tata Steel fell after six sessions of gains after the Tata Group firm logged a 21 per cent fall in its net profit in the first quarter of the current fiscal. Tata Steel stock declined 1.11 per cent to Rs 950.15 today against the previous close of Rs 960.90 on BSE. Tata Steel shares were trading higher than the 5-day and 20-day moving averages but lower than 50-day, 100-day and 200-day moving averages.