Tata Consumer shares dropped 5% to Rs 1,112 on BSE as its Q4 net profit fell 19% YoY to Rs 217 crore. Goldman Sachs maintains a neutral rating, citing slowed India beverage growth and margin reliance on international and unbranded segments.
MCX shares rose 3.36 per cent to hit a high of Rs 4,034.45 on BSE. Tata Elxsi was trading flattish at Rs 7,441.40 in a choppy trade. Indsec Securities expects Tata Elxsi to report 2.8 per cent YoY jump in profit at Rs 210 crore.
Tata Consumer Q4 results: Tata Consumer to announce Q4 results with expected revenue growth in various segments. Sharekhan predicts volume growth in the domestic tea business. Nuvama expects strong performance from Capital foods. US Coffee volumes may remain steady.