the holiday season draws more customers which means more opportunities for addons and complimentary merchandise offers. train your sales team to know the ins and outs of everything your company provides. four, have adequate holiday staff. you do not want your customers to get stuck in a long wait. and five, use social media. engage holiday shoppers on facebook and twitter with sales promotions and entertaining content. get those unfinished data entry jbz and small projects done and out of the way. for basic tasks, you just don t have the time to do yourself, check out our website of the week. is an online marketplace that lets users outsource jobs. just post a description of the task and how much you re willing to pay someone to do it. prescreened candidates sign up to complete it for you. it was music to the ears of small business owners as cash
on a online and offline. three, upsell and cross sell. there are more opportunities for add-ones and complimentary merchandise offers. train your sales team to know the ins and outs of everything your company provides. four, have adequate holiday staff. you do not want your customers to get stuck in a long wait. and, five, use social media. engage holiday shoppers on facebook and twitter with sales promotions and entertaining content. bet those unfinished data entry jobs and small projects done and out of the way. for basic taskz you just don t have the time to do yourself, check out our website of the week. is an online mcet place that lets users outsource jobs. post a description of the task and how much you re willing to pay someone to do it. prescreened candidates sign up to complete it for you. it was music to the ears of
a personal assistant like the celebrities to take your clothes to the cleaners or put that ikea desk you just bought together? well, now you can. for as little as $5 to $50, there s a new online trend that s exploding for affordable local errand services like searches for taskrabbit are off the charts on yahoo!. here s how it works. sites like taskrabbit will pair you with real-life errand runners interested in helping to do your to-do list. another trend we re seeing is the picnic wedding. weddings can be one of the most expensive events in a relationship. so that could be why searches for picnic weddings are off the charts on yahoo!. forget about booking an expensive hotel, just throw down some blankets and have a picnic reception. it s one of the hottest wedding trends we re seeing. just searches for the word