The popular UK comedy game show Taskmaster is set to receive a virtual reality spin-off game compatible with Meta Quest 2 and Meta Quest 3, scheduled for release in 2024. Participants on the show will take on the persona of contestants, navigating through diverse creative challenges within the Taskmaster House, all enhanced by Meta s virtual reality technology.
Questionable prize task entries, “legally compromising” task outcomes and controversial costume choices – discover the Taskmaster moments they couldn’t show us
Sporting a distinctive bowlcut, the Christchurch-raised Filipino quickly shows he has the potential to emulate the first series’ winner Angella Dravid, taking an offbeat, outside-the-box approach that will likely yield either top (or bottom) marks. The man who claims to have been on his learners’ licence for seven years even manages to turn one task into a driving lesson, much to the bemusement of Williams, especially when they only narrowly manage to avoid a car park prang. That’s just part of the mental torture Williams has to suffer throughout. As Wells points out, “my role as chief bullier is under threat”.