The trailer of the upcoming film 'The Storyteller', which stars powerhouse actors Paresh Rawal, Adil Hussain, Tannishtha Chatterjee and Revathy, was unveiled on Monday. The film has been selected in competition for the 27th Busan International Film Festival, which will be held from October 5 through October 14, 2022. |
The trailer of the upcoming film 'The Storyteller', which stars powerhouse actors Paresh Rawal, Adil Hussain, Tannishtha Chatterjee and Revathy, was unveiled on Monday. The film has been selected in competition for the 27th Busan .
The director also revealed that the film will be the first to feature him at the top of credit list. After his demise, "The filming of an original story by Satyajit Ray has been both challenging and rewarding and will bring to the world a first feature top lining him in the credits after his demise 🎥 The Storyteller: Paresh Rawal, Adil Hussain, Tannishtha Chatterjee’s Film to Compete at the 27th Busan International Film Festival.
'The Storyteller' headlined by Paresh Rawal, Adil Hussain, Tannishtha Chatterjee and Revathi, is set for its World Premiere at the soon to be held Busan Film Festival in South Korea. In addition, it will also be contending for the revered 'Kim Jiseok' award. |