IN THE DOCK: The latest cases to appear before magistrates CAMERON JAY MARCHANT, aged 22 and of Upper Terrace Road, Bournemouth, admits without reasonable excuse did an act, namely communicated with a woman by talking to her on May 28, which he was prohibited from doing by a court order made on January 5. Committed to prison for three months, suspended for 12 months. Restraining order made, which lasts until June 30, 2022. To pay £128 surcharge and £85 costs. Also admits without reasonable excuse did an act, namely attended a woman’s home address in Dorchester on June 23, which he was prohibited from doing by a court order made on January 5. Committed to prison for three months concurrent, suspended for 12 months. Also admits commission of a further offence whilst subject to a conditional discharge order for period of nine months imposed on March 18 for offences of criminal damage and resisting a police constable. No action taken on breach.