an armored vehicle arrives. the preparation shifts to high gear. guns, afrp mmo clips, rifle gear, stun guns. a last detailed briefing by one of the lead agents. we ve obscured his face at the atf s request. we re going to be rolling southbound on the target street. bearcat will leave the train. it s going to be last house on the right at the end of the block. basically we re going to blow the door. as soon as we get in that first room, everybody starts yelling police, police, police. no detail is too small. the door is hinged left. there s a small concrete landing six to eight feet wide. there s about four to five steps going up. there s not going to be a lot of room once you re up on the landing. following the briefing, the last of the gear is loaded. a battering ram, more guns, a pick and helmet. then it s time to move. everybody is moving out. in route to location.
guns, ammo clips, rifle gear, stun guns. then the agents dawn their bulletproof armor. the sun rises. we obscured his face at the atfs request. we re going to be rolling southbound on the target street. it s going to be last house on the right at the end of the block. basically we re going to blow the door. as soon as we get in that first room, everybody starts yelling police, police, police. no detail is too small. the door is hinged left. there s a small concrete landing six to eight feet wide. there s about four or five steps going up. there s not going to be a lot of room once you re up on the landing. following the briefing, the last of the gear is loaded. a battering gear, more guns, a pick and a helmet. then it s time to move. everybody is moving out. en route to location. copy. we ll soon join them to see